During May the 11th, 12th and 14th EUEL has organized a “Research Seminar”.
The purpouse of this seminar is to encourage reflexion and experience-sharing among young and senior researchers from different legal backgrounds. It aims to provide an in-deep understanding of how the EU deals with the legal challenges in the environmental field and to introduce participants in the legal research skills required in this field. It also hopes to enable a forum for discussion where students might be able to present their upheld research.
The seminar is structured as follows. During the openning session. Dr. Ludwig Kramer will give a speach on “Implementation and enforcement of EU Environmental Law”, following a debate with assistants.
The second activity will consist on a working session where professors in the Law Faculty (Dra. Mar Campins, Dr. Àlex Peñalver and Dra. Mar Aguilera) will refer to the principle topics in EU Environmental Law which were presented during the previous session. They will then conduct a new debate with PhD students to work on those aspects.
On the third session, PhD students whose research is related to Environmental Law will present the thesis research they have developed following a short debate with other assistants.
Moreover, we will propose PhD students to pre-publicate some of the results obtained through their research on Jean Monnet Chair of EU Environmental Law webpage.
May the 10th (16.00-18.00): Saló de Graus
“Implementation and enforcement of EU Environmental Law”
Prof. Ludwig Kramer, Conseller de Client Earth, Honorar Professor Bremen University
May the 11th (16.00-19.00): Seminari 2
Working session: “Principals aspectes i qüestions de Dret ambiental de la UE”.
Dra. Mar Campins, Dr. Àlex Peñalver, Dra. Mar Aguilera
May the 14th (16.00-19.00): Seminari 2
Working session: “Presentació de projectes de tesi dels doctorands”
Through the following link you will find access to media on the seminar: https://wp.me/p9i7rN-9y