Site icon Jean Monnet Chair of EU Environmental Law

Informative session December the 19th: Expert Title in EU Environmental Law

For all who are interested, on Wednesday the 19th of December we will hold an informative session on the Expert Title in EU Environmental Law of the University of Barcelona. The session will be held in Room 22D of the Mòduls Building of the Faculty of Law. 

What is the Expert Title?

Within the activities of the Jean Monnet Chair of EU Environmental Law, the Law Faculty of the University of Barcelona allows to obtain an Expert Title on EU Environmental Law.

Continuing you may find a flyer with the information related to it. By pressing the register image you might access the register link to the course.

IMPORTANT: Those students who have taken the Environmental Law Course at UB may ask for credit recognition by filling the form bellow -before the payment of the course-. The credit recognition form must be validated by the Expert Title coordinators. 

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